Brad McEntire is a playwrighter, a performer, a director, a web cartoonist, a raconteur, a...
Semi-autobiographical exploration of one restless theatre artist's fascination with the play Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand. A chance encounter with the text at a suburban public library at the age of 15 leads to a cruel and wonderful calling. Mixing the personal, historical and literary into a journey through Rostand's play and a meditation on the differences between art and life, McEntire puts a unique spin on the usual coming-of-age one-man show.
Since the age of fifteen, during the first few weeks of his first ever theatre class, Brad McEntire has been obsessed with the swashbuckling, romantic, tragi-comic play Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmund Rostand.
He has grown, over the years into a performer/ playwright, in some ways like the title character of the piece.
It is there the similarities stop. In this story-telling structured performance piece, McEntire explores his fascination with the play from many angles: historical, literary and personal. CYRANO A-GO-GO is also about his life-long coming-to-terms with the hard lessons about how art imitates life, and vice versa...
Nom du spectacle : “CYRANO A-GO-GOâ€
Une production de : Audacity Theatre Lab
Mise en scène : Brad McEntire
One-man show de Brad McEntire
A voir en juin et juillet 2011
© Brad McEntire,