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Sur scènes et sur écrans

1958 - John Cunningham

Williamstown, Massachusetts - Williamstown Theatre

© Williamstown Theatre

© Williamstown Theatre



Main Stage August 26 - August 30, 1958

Based on a play by - Edmond Rostand

Book and Lyrics by - Richard Maltby Jr.

Music by - David Shire


Creative Team         

Director - Nikos Psacharopoulos        

Orchestrations - Jay Brower

Settings - Richard Casler        

Choreographer - Martha Myers

Costumes - Joy           

Musical Director - Tom Griswold

Lighting - Peter Hunt   

Stage Manager - George Mallonee


Cyrano           John Cunningham

Roxane           Elizabeth Hubbard

Christian        Ted van Griethuysen

The Duenna  Sue Ann Gilfillan

Lise                Carrie-Nye McGeoy

Ragueneau     Richard Cavett

The Dancers Dorothy Silverherz

                       Val Tishman

                        Sharon Young

Bellerose        Robert Mathews

Montfleury     Richard Maltby

A Fop            George Mallonee

The Confectionery Girl  Linda Urmy

The Court Ladies Marjorie George

                               Mimi Gisolfi

                               Nancy Hirsche

                               Marguerite Tarrant

The Cadets  Henry Cole

                     George Mallonee

                     Hector Mendoza

                     George Morgan

                     Rex Robbins

                     Tony Stout

                     Geoffrey Waddell

Carbon  John Brachita

Lise's Cadet Geoffrey Waddell

The Young Ladies  Katina Commings

                                 Gina Ingoglia

                                 B.J. Watt

A Townsman  Keith Holzman

The Pastry Girls Janet Bell

                             Carol Cunningham

                              Linda McArthur

                              Dorothy Silverherz

                              Val Tishman

                              Lucy Tuchman

                              Linda Urmy

                              Sharon Young

Ragueneau's Helper Austin Pendleton

The Recruit    George Mallonee

The Recruit's Girl     Carol Cunningham

The Nuns  Marjorie George

                  Dorothy Silverherz

                  Val Tishman

                  Linda Urmy

                  B.J. Watt

                  Sharon Young

Information : © Williamstown Theatre

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»  Williamstown Theatre

Publié le 06 / 10 / 2011.


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